Oh guys thanks for all the comments on the update and stuff, but I know the design is just blah. It was secondary to the update. Whatever works y’know.
I say y’know a lot.
And now, here is a very long boring run down of my long and boring day.
6 AM: Get up, get Kevin up and ready. Give him some cheerios to eat. Put housecoat on over pajamas and get ready to take him to school.
6:45 AM: Holy CRAP it is the coldest day EVER. It snowed last night. It is so f-ing cold it isn’t even funny.
7: Once Kevin is at school I go back home. Take housecoat off, go back to sleep.
8: Am awakened by dad leaving. Get ready to go to work.
8:30: Leave for work – find nice big box with “Sideshowtoy.com” written all over it. Yes, my TIM THE ENCHANTER came today! I took him with me to work…
9: Am at work. Opened Tim. Got bonus in paycheck. v. exciting. Proceed to do lots of work.
10:30: Go get lunch before everyone has to leave and leave me there alone. Get McDonald’s. It is good.
11: Everyone but me leaves for funeral. Am left in charge – have to answer phone. Yuck. Annoying UPS man can’t get the idea through his head that no one is going to answer the door. He rings the bell like, 50 times, then goes around back and pounds on the dock door. He finally leaves stuff in front of the door. I bring it in. Guy drops package off. Have to make annoying friendly banter. Phone rings a gazillion times and I can’t help anybody and people get annoyed with me. Do busy work.
1: Everyone finally gets back. I have more McD’s french fries. I can’t remember what I did after that, just random stuff I guess, I was so tired.
3:30: Leave for class. It is really sunny and the sun is blinding me. I can’t stand sunny days. I can’t stand cold days. I hated today. Saw a guy who looked exactly like Madison driving a car next to me. Stared at him for a while.
4:15: get to school. sit in hall. pretend to look busy.
4:30: class starts. We mostly talk about french late 18th century painters, but mostly cover all of David’s career.
6:08: Class ends late. Run to car in the cold.
7:00: Get home. Thank goodnes mom picked Kevin up from his house, thus saving me a trip. Go to computer and write in blog.
That was today. Blegh.
Last night, Kevin had another shampoo mishap. I made him take a shower and told him specifically to wash his hair. He did, it was about 10:30 by then so I made him go to bed. Around 11:30 he came in the living room and said “My hair feels funny.” I said, “Come here and let me feel it.” It felt all nasty and stiff and stuff. I mean, gross. I asked him what he used, and we went in the bathroom to look …. he had used Body Wash. Soap! Ew! I told him I would wash it out of his hair in the morning before school. He came back a few minutes later and said he couldn’t get to sleep because his hair smelled. So I washed it out in the sink, lol.